NXT TLK Special – Chat with Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia

Greetings and Salutations! This week on the show the Young Guns (Boris and Matt) take some time before WRESTLEMANIA 37 weekend to chat with Matt Entin and Ed Kuehnel who write the Comic book Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia. They chat about their wrestling inspirations for the book, watching wrestling live during the territories days, all the wrestling they consumed for research, and their plans for the series moving forward.

About Suspicious Behavior Productions

Suspicious Behavior Productions is the publishing home of writers Matt Entin and Ed Kuehnel. Matt and Ed are award-winning video game industry veterans, having written on such titles as Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. They also co-wrote the comedy-slasher film, Lumberjack Man. Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia is their first comic series.

You can find them on Twitter and Facebook.

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Boris: Instagram, Twitter

Matt: Instagram, Twitter